Boiling Mind 3.3


During my study in Japan I helped with a group project called Boiling Mind. The aim of Boiling Mind is to bridge the gap between audience and performers with technology mainly using different kinds of bio-sensors. I participated with the third volume of boiling mind. I build an interactive artifact that the performers used to invite people to be more involved in the performance.

The performance was held three times at the session house. (

For more information please check out:

Thank you Kouta Minamizawa for the amazing pictures!


the artifact that I build uses the participants finger to create a pulse signal based on their heartbeat. this is then displayed in cloud like heart that can be plugged in to the device.

a persons heartbeat as a sync signal


sound artistDanny Hynds
ArtifactBerend te Linde, Yuka Aoki
Stage set designBerend te Linde, Yuka Aoki, Cajole Yang, Jack Brophy, Ivana Chaloska, Tarika Kumar, 山本愛優美
VideographyLucas Ogasawara
Boiling Mind concept / project coordinator:須川萌
Technical coordinator古川泰地
Associate coordinator田邊聡美
Project supervisor南澤孝太
Planning伊藤孝, 伊藤直子 (以下、セッションハウス企画室)
Lighting operator石関美穂
Sound crew上田道崇
Stage director鍋島峻介
Costume crew原田松野
Stage designくに若尾
Brochure design古川泰地
Production director伊藤孝
助成公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京【芸術文化魅力創出助成】